4th Grade Newsletter 9.7


⭐ 9/7/23-9/21/23 

The 4th Grade Team:

Our Triads-

1: Ms. Mireles, Mrs. Culliton, Mrs. Lombardi

2: Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Hernandez (student teacher), Ms. Lambert, Ms. Osborn

3: Mrs. Bevans, Mrs. Garner, Mrs. Knight

What We're Learning:

Math: We will be developing our understanding of place value, and begin adding and subtracting whole numbers with decimals. 

RLA: We will be generating questions to text that we read, before, during, and after reading.  We will be using characteristics of literary writing to compose a story.  We will be reviewing common, proper, singular, and plural nouns, verbs, and pronouns.

Science: We will be classifying matter and mixtures.

Social Studies: We will finish using geographic tools to read and construct a map.  We will also locate each region and identify landforms, climate, and vegetation in Texas.  We will then begin our freedom week unit.

Upcoming Tests: 

 September 13th- Math- Unit 1 Common Assessment
September 12th- RLA- Unit 0 Common Assessment

Upcoming EVENTS for LHISD and SRE:

September 5

Intervention Begins!

September 8

Grandparent's Day/International Literacy Day (Schedule to Come)

September 10-16

National Arts in Education Week

September 11

Patriot Day

September 11

WatchD.O.G.S Pizza Party Kick off & 1st PTO Meeting! 6-7pm

September 12

Dot Day!

September 14

PTO Texas Taco Kitchen 4-8pm

September 15-Oct. 15

Hispanic Heritage Month

September 15

Fall Pictures - Gym

September 17

Constitution Day

September 19

National IT Professional Day

September 22

Morning Assembly PK-2nd

Sept. 25-29

Homecoming Week! Theme Week

September 26

Human Resource Professional Day

September 29

Morning Assembly 3rd-5th

Week of September 11th-


Health & Hygiene Presentations for All Grade Levels

The week of September 11th, each class will be presented a Heath & Hygiene presentation during Specials in the gym. PK-4th boys and girls will be together reviewing topics include washing hands, covering coughs, brushing teeth, and bathing. 5th grade boys and girls will be separated reviewing topics include washing hands, covering coughs, brushing teeth, bathing and deodorant. If you would like to preview the presentation, the links have been provided below. You may also access it through the LHISD website, under Departments > Health Services > Health, Hygiene, & Sex Ed.





Specials Rotations:

THU.9/7/2023FRI. 9/8/2023MON. 9/11/2023TUE. 9/12/2023WED. 9/13/2023
THU. 9/14/2023FRI. 9/15/2023MON. 9/18/2023TUE. 9/19/2023WED. 9/20/2023


FREE 4th Grade Pass

Important Information:

If you need to make a transportation change for your student, you MUST e-mail: srestransportationchanges@libertyhill.txed.net, by 1 pm in order to make that change.  Teachers will not be able to accept written notes, emails, or phone calls for transportation changes.  


LHISD Elementary Parent and Student Handbook

How can I access my child's grades?
How can I celebrate my child's birthday at school?
Are counseling services an option?
Is there a dress code?
What are the attendance and tardy policies?
Tell me more about being a volunteer!

Answers to these and many more questions can be found in the LHISD Elementary School Handbook.

Helpful Links: 

COVID-19 Guidelines

SRE School Website

LHISD District Calendar

Lunch Information and Menus