4th Grade Newsletter 9.21


⭐ 9/22/23-10/5/23 

The 4th Grade Team:

Our Triads-

1: Ms. Mireles, Mrs. Culliton, Mrs. Lombardi

2: Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Hernandez (student teacher), Ms. Lambert, Ms. Osborn

3: Mrs. Bevans, Mrs. Garner, Mrs. Knight

What We're Learning:

Math: We will be learning how to represent fractions as a sum, round whole numbers to a given place value to the hundred thousands place, and solve 1 and 2 step problems.
RLA: We will be using context clues to understand unknown vocabulary words, analyzing plot elements, composing a literary piece, and learning about pronouns, reflexive pronouns and prefixes.  We will also work on making inferences, understanding character interactions and review what all gets capitalized.
Science: We will be exploring matter and energy.
Social Studies: We will learn about American Indian tribes that settled in Texas and learn how various tribes governed themselves.

Up Coming EVENTS for LHISD and SRE:

September 22- Morning Assembly PK-2nd ONLY

September 22- LH vs Rouse (home)7pm-10pm

September 25-29 HOMECOMING WEEK

September 28- Santa Rita News sent families

September 29- LH vs Cedar Creek 7pm-10pm (Homecoming)

October 2- Pumpkin Palooza Begins, UIL practice begins, PTO meeting 6pm (in library)

October 2- Custodian Appreciation Day, Principal Appreciation Week




Specials Rotations:

THU.9/21/2023FRI. 9/22/2023MON. 9/25/2023TUE. 9/26/2023WED. 9/27/2023
THU. 9/28/2023FRI. 9/29/2023MON. 10/2/2023TUE. 10/3/2023WED. 10/4/2023


  • Communication is key! We are here to support you.

  • Our campus attendance goal is 97%

  • 90% attendance or better!

  • Arrival after 7:40 requires you to check your child in the front office

  • Please send a doctor’s note when your child is at an appointment

  • Vacations or traveling to other countries are not considered excused absences

  • For family loss, excused absences are for the travels days needed the day before, day of services, and day after. All other absences outside of these 3 days is not excused absences.

  • Truancy Measures initiated: when absent 3 days or parts of days in a 4-week period

Bell Schedule & School Calendar

Doors Open: 7:10

Students eating breakfast will go to the cafeteria.

If not they will go to their grade-level hallway.

1st Bell: 7:25

Students can go to class

Breakfast is still open

Tardy Bell: 7:40

Class begins

Exterior doors close

Breakfast ends

Please arrive on time

Dismissal Bell: 3:00

Helpful Tips

  • Please do not let tardies become a habit. Our car rider line is running smoothly, and we are eager to start the day off right.
  • The school encourages families to label their students' items such as water bottles, jackets, lunch boxes, etc. Let's work together to keep our lost & found empty.
  • Around 3:15, our car rider line will close. After that, students can be picked up at the front office.
  • If you need to pick up your student, please do not assign them as a walker. We have a car rider line for those picking up.
  • Continue to follow traffic patterns, staff guidance, and crossing guards.

Parents & guardians, please remember that if your child is not in the building by 7:40am, then your child is considered tardy and must be walked into the building by an adult. We are having students crossing crosswalks unattended and we have students being dropped off on the sidewalk and they don't know their teachers’ names. All SRE staff report to classrooms at 7:40am. After this time, your child is your responsibility due to no available staff supervision.

Families, please check your child's backpack and school items each morning to make sure they have everything that they need. There have been many forgotten items brought to campus after instruction has begun. Here are some tips to support with this:

  • Have backpacks packed every night
  • Use sticky notes as reminders
  • Have students complete an inventory checklist- backpack, snack, water bottle, lunch, etc.
  • Have your child develop a routine of organizing items to ensure that nothing gets left behind






Understanding and caring about how others are feeling

*Empathy is about sharing an emotion with someone, or feeling the way they feel, even if you aren’t in the same situation.

Example: Have you ever felt sad with a friend just because he was sad? That’s empathy! So for example, if you feel sad with your friend because he didn’t make the soccer team (even though you aren’t affected by him not making the team)… that’s empathy. Sharing his sadness is a kind of empathy.

*Empathy means you see things from someone else’s point of view, or from their perspective.

Example : Have you ever thought a game was really fun but your friend felt it wasn’t fair? If you saw your friend was bothered by the game and understood she wasn’t having a good time even though you were… that’s empathy. You showed empathy by understanding how things felt from her side of the situation.

Learn more at Talking with Trees, © Copyright 2022 - LoveWell Press

September Guidance Lessons:

This month, students at SRE are learning to recognize emotions, and use tools for self-regulation. The Zones of Regulation will be taught and/or reviewed in all grade levels. For more information, go to www.zonesofregulation.com.


Understanding and caring about how others are feeling

*Empathy is about sharing an emotion with someone, or feeling the way they feel, even if you aren’t in the same situation.

Example: Have you ever felt sad with a friend just because he was sad? That’s empathy! So for example, if you feel sad with your friend because he didn’t make the soccer team (even though you aren’t affected by him not making the team)… that’s empathy. Sharing his sadness is a kind of empathy.

*Empathy means you see things from someone else’s point of view, or from their perspective.

Example : Have you ever thought a game was really fun but your friend felt it wasn’t fair? If you saw your friend was bothered by the game and understood she wasn’t having a good time even though you were… that’s empathy. You showed empathy by understanding how things felt from her side of the situation.

Learn more at Talking with Trees, © Copyright 2022 - LoveWell Press

This month, students at SRE are learning to recognize emotions, and use tools for self-regulation. The Zones of Regulation will be taught and/or reviewed in all grade levels. For more information, go to www.zonesofregulation.com



PIPS Basketball is Coming

Please click the link below for more information.

Important Information:

If you need to make a transportation change for your student, you MUST e-mail: srestransportationchanges@libertyhill.txed.net, by 1 pm in order to make that change.  Teachers will not be able to accept written notes, emails, or phone calls for transportation changes.  

Helpful Links: 

COVID-19 Guidelines

SRE School Website

LHISD District Calendar

Lunch Information and Menus