4th Grade Newsletter 4.20.23



Upcoming Events: 

April 25- 3-5 STAAR Reading
May 2- 3-5 STAAR Math
May 1- May 5- Teacher Appreciation Week 
May 19- Field Day (more info to come)

We will be taking our STAAR reading.  We will then review theme and character interactions by reading The BFG our novel study!

Social Studies: 


We will wrap up the current unit on 4/21 and we will then have our end of the year review. 


Reading STAAR April 25th- Remember to:
  • Get a good night sleep on 4/24
  • Eat a good breakfast (something that will fill you up and not cause you to be sleepy)
  • Bring a water bottle and some snacks (nothing that will get your fingers dirty i.e. Cheetos, oranges...)


The computers will stay at school, but we will use them frequently in class to expand and enhance the learning experience. Please double check that your student has headphones or earbuds in their backpacks each day, as several have been lost or broken since the year has begun!  We appreciate your support!

Water Bottles

Please don't forget to send a water bottle to school with your child. We have bottle filling stations throughout the school to refill, as needed.  


Our rooms get chilly and with the chillier mornings, please make sure that your student has a jacket with them.

Weekly Spirit Days

Mondays are College and Career Days! Wear your favorite college or career readiness shirt! Fridays are Panther Spirit Days. We can't wait to see your purple and gold! 🥳

Specials Rotations:

Monday, 4/24

Tuesday, 4/25

Wednesday, 4/26

Thursday, 4/27

Friday, 4/28



Monday, 5/1

Tuesday, 5/2

Wednesday, 5/3

Thursday, 5/4

Friday, 5/5


































































Big picture

Your Vote, Your Voice!

If you have recently moved to Liberty Hill, please consider registering to vote. Your Vote is Your Voice.

To check your voter registration status, find your polling site, or view your sample ballot (during election times) click here.

Register to Vote (new Williamson County voters)

Change Name or Address (currently registered Williamson County voters)

Voter Registration Deadline: April 6, 2023 (postmarked deadline)

Early Voting: April 24- May 2, 2023

Election Day: May 6, 2023

Big picture

Respecting Community Lawns and Private Property

Parents of Santa Rita Elementary: LHISD PD has received complaints of parents waiting for their walkers by waiting in people's front yards, under trees, etc. Younger siblings have damaged items in the yard while waiting and students riding bikes in the yards caused damage to the grass.

Please wait on the sidewalk and not in people's yards. Also do not walk or ride bicycles in peoples yards. Even though there are no fences around a front yard, this can still be considered trespassing if certain criteria is met. Let's all work together as a community, neighborhood, and school to get our students home safe and efficiently. If you have any questions, please reach out to LHISD PD. Thank you for your cooperation.

Big picture

Possible Summer School- 5th Grade

Spring has just begun and we are already planning for Summer School. Students in 5th grade/ 8th grade/ EOC tested subjects may be invited to attend summer school based on multiple data points we have collected throughout the school year. The data used to determine summer school invitations includes classroom performance, results on district assessments, and teacher feedback regarding the benefit your student may receive from targeted, small group support.

Due to the redesign of the STAAR tests this year, final performance level results will be delayed until later in the summer. Based on academic performance, your child may be invited to attend summer school. Invitations will go out late April/early May. However, your student may be exempted from summer school participation based on the early raw scores that will be released to districts at the end of May.

Summer School will be held June 5 - June 22 from 8:00-11:00 am, Monday - Thursday. Elementary Summer School will be held at Burden Elementary and Secondary Summer School will be held at Liberty Hill High School.

Please take note of the summer school dates, and if your student qualifies, invitations will be sent in late April/May.

SRE Morning Drop Off, Parking & Afternoon Dismissal Protocols

Morning Procedures:

  • Please be mindful that we do not have staff on duty to monitor students until 7:10. If you arrive before that time, please stay with your child until the doors are unlocked and there are staff members on duty.
  • Morning drop off is a ONE LANE process. DO NOT run over our cones, drive around the cones or other cars. It is imperative that you stay in one lane in the morning. Students are exiting from their vehicles on the curb and passenger side, and we do not want anyone to get hit or hurt.
  • The front 6 parking spots next to the handicap parking is available for parents that want to PARK and WALK their child to the crosswalk or front doors. This is a great option for students that may need a little more assistance getting out of their car.
  • If your child is unable to independently unbuckle their seatbelt/car seat, please PARK and WALK them to the crosswalk.
  • DO NOT use the front parking lot as a "STOP and DROP" location. Parents are not permitted to pull in the parking lot and have your child jump out the car door an drive off to avoid the car rider line.
  • There are only 2 options for morning drop off: 1) Enter the car rider line 2) PARK in the 4 vacant parking lot spots and WALK your child to the crosswalk or to the front doors of the school building.
  • If you are not walking your child to the front doors, please use the car rider lane. Please make sure to allow plenty of time for a safe morning arrival.

Afternoon Procedures:

  • Please make sure to have your car tag displayed.
  • Pull all the way forward and put your vehicle in park. Once Mrs. Luedtke raises the GREEN card, do not move your vehicle forward. We have several cars that are rolling when the students are walking, and that is not safe.
  • DO NOT call or motion your child to come to your vehicle before they are released. They must remain with the staff members until all cars have stopped and are in park.
  • Please wait in your vehicle. DO NOT get out of your car. We have several staff members that will assist your child with opening doors and buckling seat belts.
  • If you do not have your car tag, you MUST have a valid I.D. for verification. If you do not have your car tag or I.D., your child will not be released to you.

Tardy Procedures:

  • The tardy bell rings at 7:40
  • If your child is tardy you MUST walk your child into the office to receive a tardy pass. This is an LHISD policy. Do not drop them off in the parking lot or at the front sidewalk as we have no staff working outside at that time and your child is unsupervised on campus grounds.

Handicap Parking Spots:

  • Please do not park in the handicap parking spots unless you meet the new January 1, 2022 SB- Disabled Veteran Plates and Parking Privileges. This document is posted below.

Handicap Parking

Health & Hygiene Presentations for All Grade Levels - The week of April 17th

The week of April 17th, each class will be presented a Heath & Hygiene presentation during Specials in the gym. The topics include washing hands, covering coughs, brushing teeth, bathing, and deodorant for 5th grade. PK-4th boys and girls will be together. 5th grade boys and girls will be separated. If you would like to preview the presentation, the links have been provided below. You may also access it through the LHISD website, under Departments > Health Services > Health, Hygiene, & Sex Ed.

PreK through 4th grade Health & Hygiene Presentation

5th Grade Health & Hygiene Presentation

Integrity: doing the right thing, even when no one is looking

How can adults help teach “integrity” to kids?

  1. Model the behavior! Demonstrating respect for others who have different points of view, as well as resolving conflict peacefully shows children what integrity looks like.,

  2. Talk openly about moral values. Morals are connected to rules and laws, but they should also be connected to family and cultural beliefs.

  3. Give children a chance to serve others and volunteer. Serving and volunteering offer opportunities to show kindness, compassion, and honesty. 

  4. Discuss right from wrong, and reward good behavior. Making good choices, even when it is difficult. is the foundation of quality character.

  5. Find examples of inspirational characters. Watch movies and read books that describe real or fictional characters who are examples of integrity.

Please make safety your first priority. No cell phone usage in posted school zones or in car drop-off and/or pick-up lines. We have noticed an increasing number of drivers on devices while coming through car lines or while waiting to load/unload their children. Please feel free to leave car lines to park in the lot if you must use your phone. Remember, it's not just a good idea. It's the law!

Crossing Guards 

School crossing guards play an important role in the lives of children and their families who walk or bicycle to school. They help children safely cross the streets near campus as well as the car line at the front entry. They also remind drivers of the presence of pedestrians. A crossing guard plays another key function — a role model helping children develop the skills necessary to cross streets safely at all times. Parents...please support us in reinforcing safe habits for your children as you also observe and follow rules in crosswalks.

Transportation Changes

Keeping consistent afternoon dismissal will support your child in feeling safe and confident at the end of each day. If it is necessary to request a transportation change, please visit our district transportation siteAll changes must be made by email before 1pm on the day of the change. This is an LHISD policy. Any transportation change requests after 1:00pm will not be honored. Any emails sent to campus personnel requesting a transportation change will not be accepted.

Parents will get a confirmation email for transportation changes, but please be mindful that it might take time. If they don’t hear back from our receptionist by 1pm, you may call the campus to confirm it was received.

Early pickup cut-off time is 2:40. If you wish to pick up your child early, you must park in the parking lot and come into the building with a valid ID to check your child out with the receptionist.

Need to know a bus route number, time or location. Infofinder has the answers you need!

A few reminders regarding attendance:

  • Excused Absences: Excused absences are not viewed as days a student is entitled to take. Excused absences include, but are not limited to personal illness, doctor/medical absence, funeral/memorial, DPS, or weather or road conditions that make travel dangerous per LHISD notification. Students are required to attend at least 90 percent of the school year.

  • Unexcused Absences: An unexcused absence is any absence that does not meet the definition of an excused absence (examples: personal business, vacation, club sports/travel, traffic, car trouble, driving school, etc.).


Setting Limits in Your Child's Meal Accounts
Below are the steps to set limits on your child's meal account in Skyward. This will prevent your child from being able to charge a la cart/ snack items.

LHISD Elementary Parent and Student Handbook

How can I access my child's grades?
How can I celebrate my child's birthday at school?
Are counseling services an option?
Is there a dress code?
What are the attendance and tardy policies?
Tell me more about being a volunteer!

Answers to these and many more questions can be found in the LHISD Elementary School Handbook.

Helpful Links: 

COVID-19 Guidelines

SRE School Website

LHISD District Calendar

Lunch Information and Menus